Saturday, July 27



Parenting Teens: Top Resources for Academic and Personal Success

Parenting Teens: Top Resources for Academic and Personal Success

Raising a teenager can often feel like navigating through uncharted waters, with every stage presenting a new set of challenges and learning curves for parents. Understanding the delicate adolescence stage and how to support personal and educational growth is crucial. From enhancing emotional intelligence to leveraging technology in learning, parents can access a myriad of resources to foster their teen's development. Below, we delve into these supports to ensure your teen's journey through high school and beyond is as smooth and successful as possible. Understanding the Adolescence Stage: A Primer for Parents The adolescent years are marked by significant physical, emotional, and social transformations. Parents should comprehend that during this period, teens are forming their identitie...
Bear Your Child through Exams without Passing on Your Trauma

Bear Your Child through Exams without Passing on Your Trauma

Exams can be a stressful time for both children and parents. It's natural to want to support your child, but sometimes, past experiences and trauma related to exams can cloud our judgment and inadvertently stress our kids even more. So, how do we provide the support they need without transferring our own anxieties onto them? This guide will walk you through understanding exam stress, recognizing your own trauma, and implementing effective strategies to support your child during exam season. What is Exam Stress? Exam stress is the pressure that students feel when preparing for and taking exams. It can stem from a variety of sources, including the fear of failure, high expectations, and the desire to perform well. Common Causes of Exam Stress High Expectations: From parents, teachers...
How Perform You Write Revision Notes?

How Perform You Write Revision Notes?

Writing revision notes can be a game-changer when it comes to studying. Not only do they help you consolidate your learning, but they also make revision more efficient and less stressful. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to create effective revision notes that will help you ace your exams. Revision notes are condensed versions of your study materials. They capture the essential points, key concepts, and important details in a format that’s easy to review. Benefits of Creating Revision Notes Creating revision notes forces you to process and understand the material, making it easier to recall during exams. They save time during study sessions and help you focus on the most important information. Preparing to Write Revision Notes Before you start writing, gather all y...
How to Handle Negative Feelings after Having a Bad Exam?

How to Handle Negative Feelings after Having a Bad Exam?

We can understand the stress before the exam. But the frustration when you come out of the exam hall with a feeling that it didn’t go well is like a nightmare. It’s time to be relaxed once the exam is over, but you can’t when you think that you have not done well in the exam. Though this may be just your imagination, you surely need some help overcoming this feeling. Before you go for anything after the exam, you should understand one thing that failure is just a part of life and not an end. Everybody fails once or more during their journey for success. But if you use every failure as a stepping stone, success will be a sure thing. Since the failure in an exam is not the end but an interval, you should take it as a lesson and get ready for better performance. Most probably, you did n...
How to Make Money as a Student Writing Essays

How to Make Money as a Student Writing Essays

Brokenness has been associated with student life for a very long time. Even with the various student loans at their disposal, majority of students can only get by with instant noodles. However, there are many side jobs that students can take advantage of in their spare time to offload a bit of the financial burden. The most lucrative of them are writing jobs that they can do both online and at the campus. Here are reasons why writing essays is the best job for university students. You Will Perfect Your Researching Skills A lot of research is needed in writing academic essays. As a writer therefore, you will be required to continually search for information perusing through academic books, journals and periodicals from the library and online publications. This will hone your researching s...